Megan was radiant in her soft, flowing gown that seemed to glow like her eyes. The under layer of lace was exquisite.
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Tuesday, July 24
Rainy, Sunny, Magical Wedding Day
Megan and Time got married on one of the rainiest, warmest, muggiest, sunniest, muddiest, foggiest, brightest days we've seen. All you had to do was wait a while and the weather fairy provided something new. It never stopped changing! Despite the weather, all went well and the guests managed to get in and seated at beautiful Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was elegantly lighted by the candles in the aisle and the church was filled with glorious music.
Megan was radiant in her soft, flowing gown that seemed to glow like her eyes. The under layer of lace was exquisite.
Megan was radiant in her soft, flowing gown that seemed to glow like her eyes. The under layer of lace was exquisite.