Baylor's Prom was held a couple weeks ago. Katie's group met at Carolyn's house for photos. What a lush place for pictures, and what a gorgeous brow view!
I had fun with Tyler's friends who were getting ready for McCallie Prom this past weekend. It was a little tricky keeping everyone out of the mud! Look for more photos on Facebook!
We've moved to our new, marvelous studio space in the summer of 2013. It is a fantastic new shooting space for us that will allow us to do even more fun photography.
Both Jeannie and Greg are Master Photographers through the Professional Photographers of America. We love what we do and are passionate about creating beautiful photographs for you. Contemporary Portraits is a full service photographic studio located in Signal Plaza on Signal Mountain (eight miles north of downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee).
To schedule an appointment or just to get specific information about us photographing for you please call us at: 423.886.4868