I'm usually hesitant to say "This is going to be a great session" and I'm usually pleasantly surprised how a very young big sister (or brother) can rise to the occasion and help with the new baby in the family.
Lizzie really was marvelous and became my best buddy during the session (at least as long as I had my trusty container of bubbles). She really has grown up a lot since I last photographed her as a baby!

Hugh, who was generally just happy with the world, as most boys are, made the whole session a pleasure. He was content to let us do just about anything.
...until he decided he was hungry! I laugh with young moms often about feeding time during sessions. It is my observation that they will be more ravenous and demand more food than they ever do otherwise. I tell moms to be sure they are prepared! I often hear, "They never eat this much!" They do! ...and then they will take the best nap ever!

...and did I say what a beautiful little girl Lizzie has become?